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Saturday 4 July 2009

Forever Blowing Bubbles ...

So much is wondrous to little children ...
This is my friend Pippi.

What could she be looking at?

Bubbles ...
that's what!

Pippi and her big brother Toby had great fun playing with hundreds of bubbles after their Mummy bought them an AUTOMATIC BUBBLE MACHINE.

There were bubbles everywhere!

Toby is a very athletic little boy and he recently began karate lessons. You can see some action here as he karate chopped some of the bubbles.

He's also a big Ninja Turtle fan and he has a Ninja Turtle watch, as you can see.

Pippi was ecstatic as the colourful transparent balls floated throuugh the air - generally just out of reach of such a little girl.

That didn't stop her trying very hard to pop just as many bubbles as her brother did ...

Soon though Pippi got tired of the same old game and a bag of jelly snakes became much more interesting.

Even if the beautiful bubbles were becoming bigger and bigger and bigger ...

Toby needed a change of pace too and took to the baseball bat. He's got a pretty mean style for such a little tyke hasn't he? He keeps his eye on the ball!

Then Pippi thought she'd help Mummy paint her car ...
That was a really big job.

Have you ever seen such a beautiful thought bubble?

I think Pippi is very tired indeed.
She and Toby had already been shopping this morning, and what with all of this excitement ...

That's just when a thoughtful big brother could step in and give a bit of comfort. Don't you think?

Do you remember giving your brother or sister such a beautiful hug when you were little?


  1. What a beautiful yet fun post. I really enjoyed seeing the children, their bubbles and that hug is priceless.....:-) Hugs

  2. They are so cute! With her stockings on, she is truly Pippi longstockings!

  3. This is such a cute post June, and such a beautiful sequence.
    my kids have been playing lately with bubbles as their summer vacations last.
    Thanks for introducing us to the little ones. My hugs to them and to you.

  4. Awwww June that was a lovely post, just sooo cute! small children are so beautiful aren't they? and that hug really looked like a cuddly and concerned one.

    Cheers Kate x.

  5. Those children are just adorable. What a truly loving pose. Thomas Wyatt loves bubbles, too, and we used to make them with laundry detergent when I was little. I enjoyed hugs with my younger sister while we played.

  6. A little story in photos.

    I find photos of young children so fascinating. They change so quickly and you only recognise that fully when you look at the photos you took, say, a couple of months previously.

    Each photo can capture such a rare moment in their growth.

  7. Hi Bernie - good to chat. They are great kids.

    Kids' clothing is wonderful these days eh? Comfortable and colourful. Those stockings are cute, cosy and perfect for bubble chasing on a winter day ...

  9. Hi MAMPI
    There's something very magical about bubbles isn't there? I love the way the colours sparkle and the fact that they seem to be absolutely free spirits.

  10. KATE
    Yes, I love the way their Mum encourages hugs.

    I'd loved to have had a big brother like Toby when I was little. Our treasured brother arrived later than we did! The boot tended to be on the other foot so far as helping was concerned.

    Now he's very caring as my sister and I get older and he's still a relatively young pup.

  11. Pippi and Toby's mum uses detergent too once the original supply runs out.

    I remember blowing bubbles as a kid with a single little bubble pipe.

    Then my own children came along and they could make bigger bubbles using a circle of plastic on a handle.

    Trust this generation to develop AUTOMATED bubbles! Doesn't quite seem right to me ... but that's technology for you.

    There are all sorts of magic.

    You're so on the ball there. We're lucky to have digital cameras these days - so available.

    You could not get better subjects than young children - except that they don't keep still for long!

  13. Such a lovely and fun post, June! How adorable Pippi and Toby are! I was an only child and always yearned for a brother or sister -- guess that's why I had four of my own! Thanks for sharing the bubbles and the fun! Have a great week!

  14. We played bubble games too with our brothers and sisters. A straw used to dipped in colered soap solutions and the blowing the straw in up direction bubbles were sprayed.

  15. Hi Sylvia -
    It would good if we could go back sometimes and get the things we really wish for - like your hope for siblings. In our dreams is the only way I guess.

  16. Yes I did that with straws with my children too PRADIP. Much cheaper than those automatic bubble machines and more satisfying in my view. Somehow creating your very own bubbles is much better than have a machine mass produce them.

  17. oh that thought bubble is such an inspiring photo! I love it!

  18. Rainbow bubbles cheer up littlies as well as adults!

    I am one of four kids - so was always getting or giving out hugs. Bliss!

  19. Lovely post and photos, June.

    I am so sorry to disappoint, but I honestly didn't realize that poor little Bucksnort was an actual human being until I went away to college, then came home for a visit. I was such a heartless older sister, but am making up for it now, so many years later, as we toddle off into old age together.

    I'll give her a hug in your honor when she arrives in a few minutes. Hugs to you, too, faraway "sister" June!

  20. TULSA
    Yes when I first saw the bubble I was amazed. It's quite priceless, isn't it?

  21. LADYFI
    I reckon those hugs would go a fair way towards the balanced human being we seem to have in you today?
    Siblings are pretty special ...

  22. Dearest Clair
    I really felt that hug!
    I have been wondering about how Bucksnort is these days. Hasn't been posting much - but priorities in life can mean that for sure.
    Keep well both of you as you 'toddle'.

  23. June, Bucksnort is exceedingly well, thank you for asking. She is full of energy and optimism, is madly painting the interior of her house, and swimming every morning with me.

  24. CLAIR again
    So pleased for Jean ...
    Tell her that I need my house painted too!
    Hugs to both of you with a special one for Bucksnort.

  25. Hello... I've just arrived here from Perth :-)

    Always a delight to visit another Aussie Blogger.

    Lovely photos of childhood joy.

    Best wishes
    Ribbon :-)

  26. What wonderful, delightful photos! Glad you're back. I was getting worried!

  27. Hi DOGWALK
    I just needed more 'me' time. I may slow down a little with blogging now - but I'm still around that's for sure.
    Pleased you liked the bubbles.

  28. Hi RIBBON
    Welcome from the East.
    It's hard to beat bubbles and children for a good feeling eh?

  29. Gorgeous children. I always think bubbles are like small miracles, containing all the wonderful colours of the rainbow.

  30. Hi MEGGIE - good to hear from you.
    They are miraculous aren't they?

  31. WOW! thats a wonderful thought June, to add pictures of these lovely kids Pippi and Toby. And the timing of that hug picture is so great, that the intensity is captured so well! Great Job!

    We do get a lot of very personal benefits from a hug - and I think we don't always realise how many.
    Thanks for the kind words ...

  33. awwww...very cute.

  34. Good luck in your enterprise JEVE. You have a lot of love to spare.

  35. I like to watch small children play, and listen to them talking to each other and see how their minds work. These kids are really cute!

  36. Kids are a real study aren't they Betty? And I think we can learn from them sometimes too ...

  37. Wonderful post and photos, June. Beautiful children, too.

  38. Hi CROW
    I'm pleased that you enjoyed your time with Pip and Toby ...

  39. S00000000 cute. very nice pics !!

  40. SHAFI
    I'm sure that Toby and Pip's Mum would agree with you and I certainly do ...


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